Staff Interview: Meet Chinatsu and Ayano!

Hello! This is the HelloWorld Host Team. As our programs steadily grow in both Okinawa and Kanto, many new families are joining our amazing community. However with our team spread over the two regions, some families might have never met some of our members from the other area despite always being in touch virtually!

As our mission is to bring people from all over the world closer, one of our goals is to make you feel closer to our team as well! To achieve that, we will be introducing you our staff members through a series of interviews!

Today we will be getting to know Ayano Michaels and Chinatsu Chinen, the core members of our HelloWorld Okinawa Host Team!

Let’s read more about it!

—Please introduce yourself and your role at HelloWorld!

Hi, I’m Chinatsu! My role consists of communicating with host families, coordinating with families participating in the programs, managing ceremony operations, and providing support to host families.

Hello, I’m Ayano, Host Team Coordinator at HelloWorld. I vet host families through profile reviews, online interviews, and home inspections. I also provide feedback and tips as needed. I love seeing the guests’ smiles and hearing positive feedback from both students and host families.

—What made you curious about learning English and getting to know different cultures?

My curiosity about learning English and different cultures began with a TV show I watched as a child. The show featured a Japanese woman who traveled around the world to fulfill her dreams. I admired her bravery and was inspired by her encounters with people from various backgrounds.

My interest in other countries started young. I attended a high school focused on English and was an exchange student in the U.S. three times. I later lived in England and the U.S. for 13 years and hosted an exchange student from Thailand.

—What is the “charm” of HelloWorld for you?

The charm of HelloWorld lies in the opportunity to create a product that has the potential to truly unite the world, and to do this together with the host families.

HelloWorld offers a unique way for Japanese students to learn English by connecting them with English-speaking families in Japan. This program not only helps with English but also provides valuable cross-cultural experiences. Through HelloWorld Homestay program, my daughter was also able to learn about the Filipino culture even though she’s a native English speaker.

—Have you ever experienced a homestay? How do you think this can impact the students’ future?

When I was a university student, I did a four-month homestay in Canada. I’m deeply grateful to my host family, who treated me like a real family member. The new cultural and linguistic discoveries I made there have shaped who I am today. I believe that even a short time spent with you can become a priceless experience for the guests.

Our program gives Japanese students a safe introduction to foreign cultures without the full commitment of being an exchange student. It allows them to make friends and experience new cultures without leaving Japan—an opportunity many Japanese kids might not otherwise have.

—Please leave a comment for our amazing hosts!

Thanks to all the host families, we’re able to give more children these wonderful experiences. Whenever I see the photos you send or hear guests say how grateful they are for such a valuable experience, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to you all. I’m so proud that I feel like shouting, ‘Aren’t the HelloWorld host families amazing?’ at the top of my lungs! Let’s continue to grow the HelloWorld community together. I truly believe that the experiences you provide to guests brighten the future, not just in Japan, but around the world. I’m extremely proud to be part of this program and incredibly grateful to all of you for your support. Thank you always! I hope that HelloWorld becomes one of those comfortable and welcoming places for you. Big love from Chinatsu!

Our families are amazing—patient, understanding, and flexible. They manage surprises and make a great effort to ensure a great experience for all students. Since many students are new to this, please keep the experience fresh and memorable. I truly appreciate your dedication and the unique support each family provides.

I also want to shout out to my fellow HelloWorld team members. Despite working from different locations, we make one helluva team!!!

A big thanks to our team members Chinatsu and Ayano for sharing a little bit about themselves despite their busy schedules!

Through the HelloWorld Cultural Exchange Program, our amazing Host Families share their culture and their daily life with Japanese students by welcoming them into their homes. No matter if you are an experienced or a new host, our program is an opportunity for you to join a vibrant international community and make wonderful connections.

Throughout hosting, our bilingual staff is there to support you 24/7 and provide you with all the knowledge and support you might need to make the most of this this intercultural adventure.

Want to chat more with our staff members? Fill this form with your contact information, and we will reach out to you to answer any question or doubts you might have.

What is the HelloWorld Cultural Exchange Program?

HelloWorld provides educational experiences to connect international families living in Japan with locals who want to learn about diverse cultures. Through our Cultural Exchange Program, Japanese students who are unable to go abroad get to spend 24-48 hours at the homes of international families and get to experience the world in their own city.

So far, over 350+ host families have joined our program and 9000+ students have taken part in our cultural exchange.

Find more details on how to join us here!