What is the Machinaka Fund?
Intercultural exchange and study abroad experiences can broaden children’s horizons, while giving them a chance to think deeply about themselves and the region they were born and raised in.
Exchanges and study abroad programs are encouraged in Japanese schools, and viewed as an incredible opportunity for Japanese students to cultivate a global and multicultural mindset as they prepare for their future.
Although modern travel makes it easier to go to other parts of the world, studying abroad can still be very expensive. Among many students who cannot afford on their own to study abroad, only the few who are blessed with a good home environment, enough time, and excellent grades can be selected for government-sponsored programs.
At HelloWorld, our goal is to provide access to intercultural exchange experiences to all children.
One way to accomplish that, is through our Machinaka Ryugaku Program (HelloWorld Cultural Exchange Program). Machinaka Ryugaku translates to “Studying abroad within the city”, and it is a program that allows locals to have a study-abroad experience while being in Japan.
Besides our regular services, HelloWorld fundraises and collaborates with boards of educations, schools and NPOs in Okinawa and Kanto to provide this unique “study abroad within the city” experience free of charge for children who would otherwise be unable to receive such opportunities.
Poverty and Disparity Affecting Children in Japan
As an island nation, Japan does not have the kind of international access that other countries have with shared borders.
For many residents of Japan, traveling to other countries is a huge financial expense. Only a few fortunate people have the opportunity to study abroad.
As a local company born in Okinawa, HelloWorld was created with the awareness of poverty and disparity that affects a large number of children in the region.
Ever since, we have partnered with NPOs, schools and boards of educations to to support economically-disadvantaged students not just in Okinawa but Kanto as well.
Going forward, HelloWorld wants to
“Yui Ma-Ru”
towards the whole world, an expression which means “help one another” in the native Okinawan language.
With this in mind, we have built a system to support the next generation of children to easily access different cultural experiences, so that they can shape their future with the whole world in mind.

How Can You Help the Fund?
Foreign residents in Japan can help HelloWorld in two different ways.
First, by becoming a Host Family and sharing your culture, language, and traditions you will provide Japanese children the opportunity to experience cultural exchange within the city. Joining us as a Host Family in Okinawa or Kanto will be essential for our local study abroad program to continue to run.
Another way to help is by supporting our goal to make studying abroad available for all children by donating to our Machinaka Fund.
Whether you are a Host Family and choose to give your Activity Budget towards the Fund, or generously donate on your own, you can help the Machinaka Ryugaku Program to become accessible to all students.
If you are a taxpayer to Japan, donations are eligible for preferential tax treatment under the Japanese tax system.
To give toward the Machinaka Fund, click HERE to contact a HelloWorld staff member to process your donation.
For more information:

How to Donate
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