Co-CEO Tomida Interview Featured on Forbes Japan

Co-CEO Keisuke Tomida was featured in the Japanese edition of the global economic magazine Forbes, “Forbes JAPAN”. He appeared in the May 2024 issue No.117, in an article titled “Interviews with 40 People Who Found Their ‘Beloved Work’: ‘My Turning Point’”.

In the article, he discussed the journey from quitting his job as a lawyer to founding HelloWorld, the values he holds dear in his work, and his thoughts on his career path.

English translation of interview piece:

Tomida Keisuke

HelloWorld Co-founder and Co-CEO

Became a lawyer after graduating from Keio University Law Department. In 2018 he was appointed to University of California, Berkeley. Soon after, he left the law practice and started a new business venture. In 2020, he co-founded HelloWorld, which fosters international exchange.

Q1. What made you decide on your current career or working style?

A1 ”The experience at the University of California inspired me to strive to contributing towards building a diverse society.”

Q2. What three rules are important to you as you work?

A2 “One is to keep in mind what kind of social impact my work can do. Second is to not just generate ideas but to follow through till the very end. Thirdly, building a system with reproducibility and maximizing team synergy.”

Q3. What does “Work” mean to you?

A3 ”The means to make an impact on society. I believe that providing children with opportunities for international exchange can contribute to building a diverse society.”